Hey Mamas!
Wow! We are just now recovering from last week! And our girls weekend in Nantucket wasn't exactly restful, truth be told! Work continues on our website, and as usual we are running fashionably late on our debut. It's turning out to be more of a project than expected and when the going gets tough, the tough turn to
No000! Not the bottle! Shopping! That's actually a photo from a very fun night out apres Fashion Show (that went super duper well) at our good friend Maryanne Kondraki's Contrary Boutique. She knows us-she had plenty of food, fashion, and yes, skinnygirl margaritas on ice waiting! Thanks Maryanne!
And now it's almost Memorial Day weekend, the start of summer! And Boston, don't be shocked, but the forecast is calling for sunny days ahead. Are you ready to brave the pool/beach mamas? We've discussed summer prep before, and how you should not be surprised it's coming, well..I am so not ready. But no time like the present! I've been starving myself eating healthy and just found this awesome workout via my idol, and if I ever feel my legs again it'll be a miracle. Speaking of miracles, I thought the Calypso St. Barth prices at Target were sent from heaven, right now, the sale prices on their website are an additional 40% off. Check out these to die for looks for summer
this makes me as happy as a skinnygirl margarita
oh yes.. an additional 40% off makes all that Tracy Anderson pain oh so worth it.