and I ain't talking about sports gals..
Let me tell you about my lashes. Grab a box of tissues and prepare yourself. Not pretty.
So along with three beautiful, darling little princesses, my pregnancies brought along a most horrendous side effect. Some gals lose their hair. Some gals lose their chest.
Wait. I did lose that.
But it gets worse. In addition, I also lost my eyelashes! For reals! Not all of them. Just odd sporadically spaced ones. I wear falsies to evening events. I've contemplated Latisse, but I like my money, and the side effects were a little sketchy. So baldy eyelids I remained until....
A recent morning spent at the Mac counter, having makeup applied, and pining over the makeup artists insanely long lashes, thinking to myself "Genetics". And boy, was I wrong. My new BFF filled me in her fab, and cheap, secret.
At $50.00 a fraction of the cost of Latisse and she swore she'd never had lashes like that everrrrr. Now I have a rule, if you can't trust a Mac makeup artist, who can ya trust? (Can I get an amen?) Then she gave me the piece de resistence. A coupon for 20% off. They carry it at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Who doesn't get those coupons in the mail constantly? So after doing the math, thats?? umm.. a lot off. Anywho. I gave my new BFF a big hug, bought my weight in eye shadow and went on my happy way to BB+B. Just started the Rapid Lash, and will report back for duty, sporting glam lashes approximately 30 days for now.